Brenda LAWS née McGUINNESS attended from 1937 to 1956. She has given me lots of information about the school:
The headmistress who followed Celia HEMMINGS (Classics) was Mervyn Buller LEWIS (Modern Languages) with whom I learned Spanish in the sixth form (her only pupil!). Other teachers were: English - Mrs ROBERTS; French - Mrs EVANS; Maths - Mrs A MUTCH (Wirral?); History - Miss Jean? BATTY (later killed in a climbing accident in the 1960s/70s); Geography - Miss WIZZARD (I think that was the spelling - lived on the Wirral), PE - Miss BUSBY
We were all placed into houses - named, I believe, after reigning governors; I was in McNeill who wore green bands; the others were Harrison (yellow) and Spooner (red) - I cannot remember who was blue! It is some years since I visited Liverpool, and discovered that my old school has been converted into apartments. It was such a lovely old house to be schooled, and I still remember the sixth form privileges which meant so much.